lundi 29 janvier 2007

And now for something completely different

Because sometimes we need a break from the horror that is life in Bush's America.

I've blogged periodically this winter on figure skating, particularly over New Year's weekend when not much else is happening. It's not that I follow skating that much anymore; other interests have supplanted it. But every now and then I see something that reminds me why I enjoyed watching skating.

Enter Evan Lysacek, like manna from skating heaven.

He's cute, he's straight, he's tall, and hoo-boy, can this young man skate. Forget the quad toe-triple toe combination to open the program. Forget the triple axel-triple toe combination. Forget the jumps. Look at the SPINS. Anyone who's taken martial arts training will tell you how difficult that sit spin position is:

Yes, his choreography leaves something to be desired; it has far too much Brian Orser-style flailing his arms around. And yes, sometimes it seems that if one more skater uses music from Carmen, we're going to put our heads in the oven. But for a kid coming off a hip injury just over a month ago to skate a program like this is nothing short of amazing.

But you'd better watch him now, because at 6'1", you have to wonder what kind of toll these jumps are going to take on his hips and legs. Tim Goebel, the last American "quad rat", had to retire at age 26 after landing 76 quad jumps in his career. And he was only 5'7".

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