samedi 19 août 2006

Orrin Hatch joins the "If you vote Democratic, the terrorists win" squad

Seems to me the terrorists are doing just fine under George W. Bush, thank you very much -- Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are still out there, the Taliban are resurgent in Afghanistan, Iraq is now the very hotbed of terrorists Bush told us it was BEFORE he started meddling.

So tell me again just how Republican rule has been so great for fighting terrorism?

But when did Orrin Hatch let truth get in the way of stupid and scurrilous allegations? After all, he said in 2004 that terrorists were trying to elect John Kerry. He's conveniently forgotten that George W. Bush himself said the Osama Bin Laden tape issued shortly before the 2004 election helped him get re-elected.

But here he goes again:

Sen. Orrin Hatch, who continuously decries the bitter partisanship in Washington, implied this week that Democratic success in November's election could result in terrorist attacks on America.

Hatch was quoted in Tuesday's Tooele Transcript Bulletin as saying Middle East terrorists are "waiting for the Democrats here to take control, let things cool off and then strike again."

By that logic, one could say that "electing" George W. Bush in 2000 resulted in a terrorist attack against America. After all, weren't they just waiting for the Republicans to take control, let things cool off, and then strike again?

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