jeudi 17 août 2006

A nation of pedophiles and the charmed presidency of George W. Bush

Has there ever been a luckier president than George W. Bush? Just as the skepticism about the "imminence" of the "threat" posed by the men arrested in Britain on terrorism charges increases, and a new Zogby poll shows Bush's approval ratings sitting at 34%, along comes, of all things, an arrest in the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

This turn of events of course has the gasbags of cable news virtually drooling into the faux press releases on their desks as they furiously voice-over old footage of the child beauty queen, having been starved of a good Missing White Woman story for a while now.

One has to wonder, why are they doing this? Why on earth devote so much airtime to a nearly ten-year-old murder case? It's because while Missing White Woman is ratings gold, Dead White Child In Mascara and a Bikini is ratings platinum.

Television networks only broadcast what people want. And the attention given to this one murder case and the heavy rotation of the child's beauty pageant footage proves that we are, in fact, a nation of pedophiles.

Maybe that's what they mean by "Christian Nation."

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