mercredi 16 août 2006

Joe Scarborough, of all people, asks: "Is Bush an idiot?"

If you're a Countdown watcher like I am, and you didn't automatically switch the channel when Joe "What DID happen to Lori Klausutis, anyway?" Scarborough came on last night, you saw something truly astonishing: a segment on a conservative-hosted show actually discussing whether George W. Bush is as dumb as he seems.

It was one of the most astonishing pieces of television I've seen lately, right up there with Stephen Colbert's surgical evisceration of boy-prig Ramesh Ponnaru the night before, Jon Stewart's skewering of Joe Lieberman, and oh, well, okay, many other fine moments brought to us by the Holy Trinity of eight o'clock PM television.

The most interesting part of this segment (which you can see at Crooks and Liars) was the fact that not even John Fund was really able to rise to Bush's defense with any kind of enthusiasm. He tried to parse the meaning of "inarticulate", but at this point, Bush's malapropisms go far beyond language and into the realm of behavior. His obsession with the pig roast during his recent G-8 trip wasn't a question of inarticulateness, but a sign of a frat boy overwhelmed by a job for which he is ill-equipped, trying to cover it up with a quip and a towel-snap. Only no one finds it endearing anymore.

In the highly likely event that the George Allen/macaca scandal DOESN'T put the final nail in the coffin of Allen's presidential aspirations, voters would do well to watch this segment again in 2008 before deciding that Allen is a guy they'd like to have a beer with and that this would make him a good president.

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