mardi 25 avril 2006

Partisan witchhunts at the CIA?

Not only does it appear that CIA agent Mary McCarthy isn't the she-devil solely responsible for Bush's 32% approval rating that the drooling, slobbering wingnut blogosphere would have you believe, but David Corn has noticed an interesting tidbit pulled from Sunday's Washington Post story on McCarthy's arrest:

Even the agency's employment policies have changed: Applicants are now asked more aggressively whether they have any friends in the news media, several agency employees said. And the hurdles to making public statements persist for those who have left: Former CIA agents report that the agency's process for reviewing what they write about current events has recently become lengthier and more difficult.

The White House also has recently barraged the agency with questions about the political affiliations of some of its senior intelligence officers, according to intelligence officials.

I guess being anything other than a good, loyal brownshirt Republican makes you a national security threat in George W. Bush's America.

(cross-posted at Spiiderweb)

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