vendredi 10 février 2006

Still whoring for ModFab Six votes

If you haven't cast your vote to keep Your Humble Blogger on the ModFab Six island, please do so today.

We all know that Survivor usually start out with the older castaways getting the boot first, especially the older female ones. The older guys tend to be less targeted because they are usually the strong, hypermacho, alpha-male type: ex-Marines, firemen, retired flyboys and astronauts -- all of whom have been able to stay in great shape because their wives are out buying lean meats and fish to dish up to these guys and their equally hypermacho sons to keep them in fabulous shape. So when these wives end up in Panama, or Guatemala, or Borneo, they're up against the hot young idiots in their bikinis, and no matter how strong they are, or useful they are, they are the first to go, because the first job of the female on Survivor is to bring in the eyeballs of the ever-coveted 18-35 male age group.

Well, this isn't Survivor and no bikinis are required; just a good healthy dose of snark. As someone who lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cold War, the political upheaval and assassinations of the 1960's, the Vietnam War, Watergate and the Nixon resignation, oil embargoes, the Reagan Years, the rise of the Christofascists, the blowjob heard 'round the world, and now the Bush years; as well as Laugh-In, Petticoat Junction, The Daily Show, the Beatles, disco, punk, neo-punk, Motown, hip-hop, folkies, Portnoy's Complaint, The Road Less Traveled, the heyday of Scorsese, the entire oeuvre of Spielberg, and on and on; I can put just about anything into a historical context.

Besides, it'd be fun.

So take the few minutes, if you would be so kind, and tell my good friend ModFab why a middle-aged broad from Jersey is so indispensable to any discussion of politics and culture.

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