dimanche 12 février 2006

How many people blowing the whistle on the Bush Administration will it take?

Every day, another official comes forward to bolster the case that this president went into an elective war with Iraq as a FIRST resort, then tried to manipulate the intelligence around his obvious lust for blood. Are they all liars? Are they all simply partisans?

Bill Clinton was hounded throughout his administration because a woman from Arkansas claimed he sexually harassed her -- after the right-wing investigation into a 25-year-old land deal in which the Clintons LOST money generated nothing.

And Congress felt this warranted Bill Clinton's impeachment.

There is far more evidence against this president for high crimes while in office than there ever was against Bill Clinton for alleged crimes that occurred prior to taking office.

But Congress felt that impeachment was warranted in Bill Clinton's case.

Over 2200 American servicepeople are dead. Tens of thousands of them are maimed for life. Up to hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians are dead. Iraq is in ruins. Our ports are wide open, Osama Bin Laden is still out there, and Al Qaeda is still as strong a threat as ever -- or so they tell us.

But this Congress doesn't feel that this Administration should be accountable.

The latest whistleblower: A former CIA official whose job was to manage the government's secret intelligence on Iraq:

The former CIA official charged with managing the U.S. government's secret intelligence assessments on Iraq says the Bush administration chose war first and then misleadingly used raw data to assemble a public case for its decision to invade.

Paul Pillar, who was the CIA's national intelligence officer for the Middle East and South Asia from 2000 to 2005, said the Bush administration also played on the nation's fears in the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks, falsely linking Al Qaeda to Saddam Hussein's regime even though intelligence agencies had not produced a single analysis supporting "the notion of an alliance" between the two.

Instead, Pillar writes in the upcoming issue of the journal Foreign Affairs, connections were drawn between the terrorists and Iraq because "the administration wanted to hitch the Iraq expedition to the `war on terror' and the threat the American public feared most, thereby capitalizing on the country's militant post-9/11 mood."

The specific critiques in Pillar's 4,500-word essay, titled, "Intelligence, Policy and the War in Iraq," are not new. But it apparently is the first time such attacks are being publicly leveled by such a high-ranking intelligence official directly involved behind the scenes--before, during and after the invasion of Iraq nearly three years ago.

Because of his position, Pillar would have had access to, and likely intimate knowledge about, virtually every piece of Iraq-related intelligence maintained across all agencies within the U.S. government.

Pillar also wrote in his essay that the administration went to war without first considering any strategic-level intelligence assessments "on any aspect of Iraq" and that the intelligence community foreshadowed many post-Hussein woes, though the findings were largely ignored before the March 2003 invasion.

Congress' refusal to act on the ever-increasing evidence of lies and duplicity on the part of this Administration indicates that Republicans in Congress -- and those people who still support this Administration -- are traitors who put party loyalty and blind trust of this president ahead of the facts and ahead of their country.

This government brands progressive bloggers as traitors because we expose the truth. THEY are the traitors, and all the spin in the world won't change that.

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