mercredi 18 janvier 2006

The Phoenix Rises February 13

And what a valentine for Morning Sedition fans starved of the funny, too. This e-mail blast arrived today:


I don't have much time but I just wanted to drop you all a dispatch. I will be on Conan O'Brien tonight, the 18th. (I just found out yesterday so I'm not holding out on you.) They flew me to NYC this morning.

"The Marc Maron Show" will launch from Los Angeles on the 13th of February. I'll let you know how you can get it as we get closer to the date. My CD should be out in a matter of days. The cats are starting to like each other and my wife and I are getting along.

I hope you are all well.


THE MARK MARON SHOW? When one of the Morning Seditionists bloggers suggested the marvelous "Maronoia"? Good Lord, is Danny Goldberg the lamest radio executive ever, or what?

If you're not familiar with the insane brilliance of Marc Maron, set your TIVO to record Conan O'Brien tonight. I'll be busy putting up my wall-size calendar, countin' down the days.....

Yeah, and watching Lost, too.

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