mardi 21 juin 2005

But who cares, as long as they work cheap

Either this is further proof that the Bush Administration thinks any risk is OK in pursuit of the almighty corporate dollar, or he's TRYING to create the domestic environment in which another attack can occur (and he needs one; his ratings are in the toilet):

Sixteen illegal immigrants gained access last year to one of the most sensitive weapons sites in the country, according to a report issued Monday by the Department of Energy's inspector general.

The inspector general's investigation found the illegal immigrants were construction workers on jobs at the Y-12 National Security Complex near Knoxville, Tennessee.

The workers used "false documents" and "gained access to the ... site on multiple occasions," the report said.

The report details how the workers, apparently using fake green cards, were able to obtain access badges.

"This situation represented a potentially serious access control and security problem," the report said.

And this wasn't in New York, where an accident would only (in Republican eyes) kill pesky feminists and gays and blacks and other minorities and DEMOCRATS. This is in one of the reddest of red states, where good Kristian Republicans would die if the place were sabotaged.

But hey, if a few hundred thousands Tennesseans have to go in order for Bush to retain power, well, what's a few deaths among friends?

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