mardi 26 avril 2005

Who died and made Karl Rove king?

Last night there were some disturbing rumblings that Harry Reid was going to capitulate on a few of C-Plus Caligula's most lunatic wingnut judges in exchange for Bill "Dr. Diagnosis-by-Video" Frist's agreement to not exercise the "nuclear option". Today, it seems that King Karl has put the kibosh on any such agreement:

Karl Rove rejected a compromise with Senate Democrats Monday on long-stalled nominations for the federal judiciary and strongly defended President Bush's choice of John Bolton to be ambassador to the United Nations.

In an hour-long interview with USA TODAY and Gannett News Service reporters and editors, Rove, deputy White House chief of staff, dismissed suggestions from Democrats that they might drop threats to use filibusters to prevent votes on Bush's judicial nominees if the president would withdraw a few of the most controversial names.

Now, I'm not all broken up about this sort of compromise falling apart. Democrats have voted to confirm 95% of Bush's judicial nominations. Only the worst of the worst have been rejected, some of them, like Priscilla Owen, were blasted by Republicans in earlier days. But that's not enough for Republicans; they want to own everything, the better to install their evangelical Christian wingnut theocracy on all Americans. And frankly, ONE of these guys is too many.

If the Democrats keep moving the goalposts, sooner or later the Republicans won't have to even MOVE to score a touchdown.

But regardless of whether this is a good or bad thing, since when does Karl Rove have veto power over negotiations in Congress? Who died and named HIM king?

I say we let the Republicans shoot themselves by pursuing this -- the "Dirty Harry" option. Americans oppose this by a 2-1 ratio. The Republican agenda is about as popular with the majority of Americans as a bucket of warm spit. They think they have a mandate to turn this into a one-party theocratic dictatorship? Let 'em try. When their approval ratings are down in the 20's, even rigging an election won't help them.

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