vendredi 18 mars 2005

Some people just have entirely too much talent

Thanks to Steve Gilliard for pointing us to this terrific piece about Hunter S. Thompson by Johnny Depp:

"Buy the ticket, take the ride." These are the words that echo in my skull. The words that our Good Doctor lived by and, by God, died by. He dictated, created, commanded, demanded, manipulated, manhandled and snatched life up by the short hairs and only relinquished his powerful grasp when he was ready. There's the rub. When he was ready. That is what we are left with. We are here, without him. But in no way are we left with nothing, far from it. We have his words, his books, his insights, his humor and his truth. For those of us lucky enough to have been close to him, which often meant rather lengthy and dangerous occasions that would invariably lead to uncontrollable fits of laughter, we have the memory of his Cheshire grin leading us wherever he felt we needed to go. Which, by the way, was always the right direction, however insane it may have seemed. Yes, the doctor always knew best. I have, seared onto my brain, the millions of hideous little adventures that I was blessed enough to have lived through with him and, frankly, in certain instances, blessed to have lived through. He was/is a brother, a friend, a hero, a father, a son, a teacher, a partner in crime. Our crime: fun. Always, fun.

Go read the rest. It's wonderful. Damn. It's not enough to be arguably the most versatile actor of his generation, and to some (not me, but some), one of the most gorgeous people on the face of the earth, Depp can write too?

I wonder how the fates choose those on which they shower so many gifts?

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