jeudi 31 mars 2005

Meanwhile, in real news....

I'm sure glad I'm employed outside the home. This eliminates any possibility of dealing with what I'm sure is a nonstop barrage of "guests" on the cable news shows, each one presumably on the wingnut side of the fence.

But there is, in fact, some REAL news today, that of course the broadcast media, those guys who force-feed their crap over PUBLIC airwaves that belong to US, are conveniently ignoring.

First of all, even the skeptical have had the rug pulled out from under them today. The so-called "intelligence" about WMDs in Iraq WAS, in fact, crap after all.

Second of all, unmentioned by President Codpiece in his "culture of life" focus on the death of Terri Schiavo, are the three GI's, who last time I checked, should be regarded as just as human as Terri Schiavo, and at least still had their cerebral cortices, who were killed in separate incidents in Iraq today. (Hat tip: Attaturk)

And third of all, is it just me (and ThinkProgress), or did Tom DeLay just admonish the nutballs to commit violence against Michael Schiavo and every judge who worked on the Schiavo case?

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