mardi 15 mars 2005

A good, Christian man

That's what Tom DeLay fancies himself to be, anyway. And people wonder why I have zero respect for people who tubthump their Christianity? Imagine the outcry if it were a Democratic House Majority leader involved in:

  • illegally funneling corporate funds to assist state political campaigns

  • bribing a Congressman to vote for President Bush's Medicare drug plan

  • using a government airplane to track down legislators opposed to his redistricting plan

  • using a children’s charity as cover for collecting soft money from anonymous interest groups, some of which was used for “dinners, a golf tournament, a rock concert, Broadway tickets and other fundraising events” at the party's convention

  • openly promising an energy company "a seat at the table" in drafting energy legislation in return for a $56,500 campaign contribution

  • taking a $100,000 check from a private prison company at a fundraiser for a children's charity used to "launder" illegal campaign contributions; this one clearly in payment for DeLay's support of a plan to privatize Texas jails

  • "punishing" a trade group that named a member of the opposition party to head its Washington operation

  • accepting shady donations for his legal defense fund

  • accepting a luxury vacation from an Indian tribe and a gambling services company, then voting against gambling legislation they opposed

  • accepting an expense-paid trip to South Korea paid for by a South Korean lobbying group

  • attempting to change the rules to retain his own power

Not a pretty picture, is it? Yet Republicans are still rallying around this repulsive crook. I guess because he believes in Jesus, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Does anyone actually believe that if Jesus really IS the actual son of God, THIS is what he had in mind?

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