mercredi 19 janvier 2005

Faith-based rubber-stamping of torture and endless war

Joe Biden the whore, justifying his vote in favor of lying to the American people and to the Senate, in favor of continued torture and in favor of endless war:

This administration hasn't told the whole story about what we face. I hope I'm wrong. I've been here 32 years and go back a long way. I am concerned that the American people, when the going gets rougher, will decide they want to get out of there. And if we leave before the job is done we will have chaos in the middle east for a generation. I hope I'm wrong. The people who are saying that we should stay the course are the ones who think the prez has told them the whole deal.

Allen said we want to advance freedom. We want to score, but if the offense you're using isn't working what you want to ask at halftime is to ask what is the game plan. Are you going to stop trying to run the ball up the middle? How are you gonna score? We can't advance freedom by wishing that if we just make it available to you you will rise up and embrace it. We need a game plan. (to continue this silly analogy) The one we have is not working.

Diplomacy will be the watchword. Did any of you hear any plan on diplomacy? I didn't hear a thing. Other than assertions that we want to do this.

The thing that stunned me most was her unwillingness to talk about the economy. She didn't have an opinion on the position of the dollar - that's the Sec of Treasury's job.

My job is to continue to have a relationship with the Sec of State. And it gets harder when you vote no. I've been disappointed, but for me in my particular role, I need to work with her, because I do think she has the president's ear. I hope she is willing to take on some of the neo conservatives in this administration. Maybe she is a neoconservative. Which is why I asked her about the Hirsch story about Iran. I hope to god she doesn't believe that if they go into Iran the people will rise up, and I hope she will argue against it.

I'll end with this point. I thought that Senator Kerry was eloquent in how he chooses to view this question. Samuel Johnson says anyone who marries for a second time "chooses the triumph of hope over experience". And I acknowledge that I am choosing the triumph of hope over experience, because my experience of the first 4 years of this administration has not been very good. But I am choosing hope.

I only vote against if incompetant or of poor character. So I'm voting for Rice. But I hope she's telling the president the truth. "Hey boss... there just that many people trained", "Hey boss..."

God, what a fucking idiot. "I hope." What part of "nuclear option" and "mandate" and "accountability moment" does Biden not understand? This administration does not want to work with anyone who does not march in lockstep with them. The Republicans in Congress do not want to, and will not, compromise. Hope is all well and good, but Biden sounds like an abused spouse who really wants to believe that this time when he says he won't do it again, it's true. The problem is that usually the abuser comes home with flowers and candy and expresses remorse before the blows start again. Biden isn't even getting those lies; his hope comes from nowhere.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama continues his cautious "go along to get along" strategy, also voting for more torture and more lies, thus making me wonder if he too is just another military-industrial whore. Only two Senators voted against confirming Condi the Liar: Barbara Boxer the Warrior Princess, and John Kerry, who now that it doesn't make any difference, has finally found his balls. At least for today.

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