mercredi 15 décembre 2004

Democracy Dead In O-hi-o

It may be surprising that I haven't been all over the Ohio recount issue, given that I've been obsessed about the voting machines for two years now, back when most people thought I was a wackjob, including my boss. Well, aside from feeling suckerpunched since November 2nd, I've also been sick for the better part of two weeks, trying to clean up after some home improvements, and swamped at work.

So for those of you interested in this subject, the latest dirt (and it's sure starting to look like there's a smoking gun in Ohio) is nicely covered in this diary at Kos.

So what does this all mean? Do I think that the Ohio electoral vote will be overturned? No. And frankly, the thought of a back-door Kerry presidency obtained via a recount in Ohio that Republicans will never accept, combined with a nearly 3 million vote loss nationwide (though it is probably less if we assume similar chicanery in states like Florida and New Mexico), combined with the absolute mess Bush has made of this country that needs to be cleaned up, does not exactly thrill me with joy.

If we learned anything during the Clinton years, it's that a Democratic presidency all by itself means nothing but a delay of the relentless goosesteppers of the Christian right. It just buys time, that's all.

So what do I hope is accomplished here? Simply exposure of the voting process in this country for the fraud that it is -- a fraud just as heinous as the judicial fraud that led to Bush's first term. This man is in the White House because his side cheated -- and the other side let him get away with it. There's no getting around this reality. So what's to do now? Try to find out what happened, and if it means marching the whole bunch of them out in handcuffs -- Bush, Cheney, Rove, Hastert, Ed Gillspie -- the whole crew -- and a Constitutional crisis, well, so be it. Then let's clean it up and have a fair election. If that's a laudable goal for Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine, why shouldn't it be one here?

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