mercredi 22 décembre 2004

And speaking of high-risk investments...

Social Security privatization -- increased returns without any risk -- isn't the only "How ya gonna do it, Porge?" [/Firesign] delusion Americans have. They also seem to want the U.S. to continue feeding kids into the meatgrinder that is Iraq -- but don't seem to put it together that those kids are going to have to come from somewhere:

Whether one supported or opposed the invasion has become irrelevant, many said - there is only the road ahead now, with few signs to guide the way.

Charlie Eubanks, a cotton farmer and lawyer from the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, said he supported President Bush but had been lukewarm about going to war. Now, he said there was no choice but to fight on, and that reports on opinion polls were only "aiding and abetting" the enemy by making opponents think the American will is weak.

"We've got to hang in there and get it done," Mr. Eubanks said.

I wonder if Mr. Eubanks has a son or daughter around the age of 18-24.

Steve Gilliard rightly calls them on their idiocy:

If you think we should proceed in Iraq, send your teenagers there. After all, you're asking other people to do the same. I mean, yank them out of college and send them to the recruiter. Otherwise, you're full of shit. All those "security moms" want security to be provided by other people's kids. Well, your turn is coming. When they take the class of Duke 2006 and ship them to Iraq, see how much you support Bush then.

When people say Kerry should have run against the war, this is what he would run into, American stubborness. People think we "have" to win. Tell them we're losing, and they look at you like you're crazy. They don't get that the US is losing and there is no easy solution, like more allied troops. Kerry wasn't going to get them and Bush will be told to piss off. Who joins a losing war? You think anything short than a full corps of Egyptian and Pakistani units would do any good? And they aren't coming because the leaders of those countries are allegric to plastic explosives in their cars.

As for this "We have to win" nonsense, that's what they said about Vietnam, too. America losing a war was unthinkable. We fed 58,000 young Americans into that particular meatgrinder, along with millions of Vietnamese. How many dead bodies do these pro-life red-staters have to see before they realize that we're not going to "win" this one either?

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