mercredi 22 juillet 2009

Wednesday Big Blue Smurf Blogging: What They Said. Special Babbling Bobo Edition

One of the most frustrating things about working 16-hour days for a month with no end in sight is that when an op-ed piece like the one David Brooks spewed out on an unsuspecting public yesterday appears, there just isn't time to do it justice. Fortunately, DCap is around to handle the heavy lifting on this one.

Money quote:
The Clockwork Orange-style of behavior modification so brilliantly practiced by Ronald Reagan - that persuaded this country we deserve something for nothing – is finally collapsing under its own weight. Everyone wants health care, good health care, and accessible health care. The problem is we don’t want to pay for that – nor do we want to pay for someone else’s. The current structure has somehow convinced most Americans (those with insurance, especially those with insurance like David Brooks), that their health care really doesn’t cost that much (or anything), since the insurance pool covers it all. After all, if you have a health insurance like any Congressman, you go to the specialist – he runs some tests, he writes a prescription for Viagra (Ensign, Vitter, Pickering etc.) and you pay a whole $25 (or so) co-pay. Not such a big outlay, is it? Remember the guys creating and reporting on health care are the ones with the best health care insurance! Unlike Sotomayor, these wise Congressman never let life experience get in the way of their decision making process for 300,000,000 Americans.

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