jeudi 23 juillet 2009

So what is Rachel Maddow, chopped liver?

Here at Casa la Brilliant, we don't play favorites. Thanks to the DVR, we watch Keith AND Rachel AND Jon AND Stephen. But as much as we love all of them, none of them is Walter Cronkite, though I hope that in time Rachel Maddow becomes known nationwide, despite her leftward leaning, the media voice that can always be relied on to not overdramatize, not pull stuff out of her ass, and not blindly read press releases from the power structures of EITHER party. I'd say she's off to a brilliant start.

But as much as we love Jon Stewart, and think no one skewers the ridiculousness of the news, better than he does, he would probably be the first one to admit that he is NOT Walter Cronkite. But America disagrees.

You'd think that the major networks would realize that when a former stand-up comedian is the nation's most trusted newscaster, perhaps they ought to rethink their policy of carrying water for Republicans (*cough* Chuck Todd *cough*).

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