mardi 26 mai 2009

Obama World vs. Cheney World

Today Eugene Robinson demonstrates why he won the Pulitzer Prize:
Which reality do you inhabit, Obama World or Cheney World? If it's the latter, remember that storm clouds are always gathering. Don't forget your umbrella.


In Obama World, choices are artifacts of reasoning and thus are only as valid as the logic underlying them. Security and freedom, for example, do not have to be seen as an either-or proposition. The nation never came to a fork in the road with one path labeled "torture" and the other labeled "disaster." In Cheney World, choices are binary and absolute. There's no wiggle room, no gray area, no time for second thoughts and no debate about how our options are framed. It's my way or the highway, citizen.

In Obama World, objective fact matters. The failure to find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is significant. The absence of any link between Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is relevant. In Cheney World, facts are based more on conviction than evidence. If it's possible to imagine "nuclear-armed terrorists," as Cheney did in his speech the other day, then they "exist" at least as a concept -- and this conceptual existence justifies torture, among other abuses.

Oh, there's more, and worth your time to read, because it points out the central paradox of Cheney world -- that in his dark vision of the universe, living in a state of constant, pants-crapping fear is macho and manly and shows how tough you are, and rational perspective is for pussies. When put that way, one wonders why the Cheney vision is so appealing to Republicans. Perhaps it's because they truly do constitute a Party of Psychopaths.

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