mercredi 27 mai 2009

Augh! Your lawn care guy is going to to come after you with torches and pitchforks!!!

You know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the guy from Guatemala or Mexico who silently weed-whacks your lawn every week; the one you don't think about how much he gets paid or IF he gets paid because it's just too uncomfortable. Well, not MY lawn guys, because the guy who owns MY lawn service charges five bucks more per mowing than his competition, and 65 bucks/man/hour for spring and fall cleanup, but he provides health insurance for HIS guys, who are actual employees instead of exploited day laborers.

These are the people Republicans fear even more than they fear gay marriage, Gitmo detainees with superpowers who can break out of supermax prisons when no one else ever has, Nancy Pelosi's scary genitalia, and liberals who kill babies for sport. They think Michael Steele gets them off the hook for their past Scary Negroes(sic) rhetoric, but Scary Brown People from South of the Border are still fair game:
Republican members of Congress have been trying to subtly raise questions about Sonia Sotomayor’s objectivity — simply because of her non-traditional race, gender, and upbringing. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) said today that he is concerned Sotomayor has shown “personal bias based on ethnicity and gender.” Similarly, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) said in a statement today that Sotomayor may be subject to the “undue influence” of her race and gender:
Of primary concern to me is whether or not Judge Sotomayor follows the proper role of judges and refrains from legislating from the bench. Some of her recent comments on this matter have given me cause for great concern. In the months ahead, it will be important for those of us in the U.S. Senate to weigh her qualifications and character as well as her ability to rule fairly without undue influence from her own personal race, gender, or political preferences.

Responding to Inhofe, The American Prospect’s Dana Goldstein writes, “Yes. Because the worldviews of John Roberts, Sam Alito, John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, and Antonin Scalia are not impacted at all by their white male identities. White men are raceless and genderless, haven’t you heard?”

Sotomayor is a Bush Sr. appointee, in case you haven't heard that yet. Of course Bush Sr. is no longer regarded as a Republican by the Party of Psychopaths. But this is a stroke of genius by Barack Obama. Rake her over the coals and you not only piss off the Latino community, but also ensure that if you block this nomination, he'll give you a REAL liberal. Sort of like George W. Bush did when he imposed the activist Samuel Alito on us.

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