mercredi 20 mai 2009

Around the Blogroll and Elsewhere

Because I haven't given out enough linky-love lately.

Brad Friedman goes to the polls to see if just maybe, they got it right this time.

What Hilzoy said.

Jesse Wendel waxes poetic about baseball (not that it's hard -- unless you are a Mets fan these days.

If you're still wondering what you're going to do Wednesday nights this summer, Paul Levinson puts off the agony for a few minutes by deconstructing the Lost season finale.

Fran I Am ponders fear.

OMYWORD tells journalists that if they don't want to see the end of journalism, perhaps they might try being journalists.

Every now and then some self-righteous prig pops in and says something about my sometimes salty language. Usually this takes the form of how it detracts from eloquence, and perhaps it does. Except when it comes from the keyboard of the Ornery Bastard. Then it's fuckin' poetry, I tell ya.

AK Muckraker
gives us another reason not to donate to the national party committees.

Doghouse Riley
is with me on the "Eff the Effing credit card companies"* thing.

Blue Girl
on the closing of the "Security Gap". Too bad the Democrats in Congress haven't realized it yet.

And finally, via the Fumigator-in-Chief: Is this what we've been reduced to? The guy who used to wear a feather boa on WWF broadcasts does a better smackdown of wingnut talking points than anyone in the Democratic Party?

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