mercredi 1 avril 2009

Oy vey....ANOTHER one?

It's bad enough that sore loserman Norm Coleman simply won't go away and let Minnesota have the two Senators it's supposed to have, instead deciding that his God-given right as a Republican to have a Senate seat in perpetuity outweighs things like vote counts and the fact that Minnesotans are down a Senator. Anyone who thinks the latest court ruling against Coleman's quest to have the Minnesota Senatorial election overturned in his favor is the end had better guess again. Coleman and the GOP have made it very clear that they are not giving up until they get a Supreme Court ruling, and given the composition of the Court these days, they're entirely likely to decide that reactionary conservatism trumps counting votes just as a somewhat less wingnutty court did in 2000.

This fracas in Minnesota has not gone unnoticed in NY-20, where that district now has its very own sore loserman in the form of Jim Tedisco, who has already gone to court even before 5900 additional absentee votes have been counted. And Tedisco has gone even further than Coleman in demanding that his Democratic opponent and the apparent winner, Scott Murphy, not be seated -- ever -- under any circumstances, no matter what the final vote count. Brad Friedman has the details on THAT particular stunt. That particular claim may have been struck immediately, but the mere fact that Tedisco's people made it shows you where the Republicans' heads are in regard to electoral results.

Coleman is just being an asshole in a close election, but that Tedisco's people are essentially claiming that he should be declared the winner no matter how the final vote count ends up is just astounding, or would be if we didn't already know about the authoritarian, dictatorial, anti-lower-case-d-democratic leanings of Republicans. They were paying very close attention in 2000, and got eight years of George W. Bush because Bush's people wouldn't give up, no matter what the vote count was. And they figure if they got that one, they can win any court fight just by continuing it in perpetuity.

And those who lose their representation seem to matter not one whit to them.

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