mardi 14 avril 2009


Unless you're enough of a geek to pay attention to the sidebars, which are only marginally less cluttered than my abode, you've probably missed a new blogroll category, CeleBloggers. Ordinarily I'm not one to link to blogs written by Famous People unless there's a good reason to do so, or unless their names are Sam Seder and Marc Maron, whose work we have adored lo these last five years.

But over the weekend I posted links to blogs by Roger Ebert and Lost's Jorge Garcia (Hurley). Ebert was a no-brainer. I wrote movie reviews for seven years and then took up blogging; Ebert has been writing movie reviews since seemingly the dawn of time, and then took up blogging -- and already he's better at it than I ever will be. Garcia was a whimsy pick, his blog being, well, Hurley-esque. And there's something just weird about a guy who plays a character who was marooned on an island -- twice -- in plane crashes (one seemingly deliberate) being pulled aside at the airport for additional security screening.

But tonight we add another CeleBlogger. I was considering reviving the "Brilliant at Baseball" box for the New York Mets, but after Mike Pelfrey fell off the mound for no reason last night, the Mets crawled back into a tie, Pedro Feliciano balked in what turned out to be the winning run and two ex-Mets, pitching far better for San Diego than they did for the Mets, proceeded to shut the Mets down for three innings, I just don't have the heart to do it. And that's not even mentioning the cat. So for now, we will just tuck Baseball Nerd, a.k.a. Mr. Keith Olbermann, away to knock back a few with Rog 'n' "Hurley". Call me a fair weather Mets fan if you must, but there's only so many times you can go through this.

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