lundi 28 janvier 2008

THIS is why John Edwards needs to stay in the campaign

Jane Hamsher reports that the Clinton and Obama campaigns has said that both candidates will return to Washington to vote "no" on cloture on the Intel version of the FISA bill.

Does anyone honestly believe that without the netroots, and without John Edwards tugging on the leftmost end of that ideological cord, either of them would have been willing to take a stand on this, and leave themselves open to Republican attacks on their "seriousness about fighting terrorists"?

I don't. And get used to it, folks. Because regardless of which of the two of them gets this nomination, we will have to keep the pressure on at all times, because we are dealing with two candiates who don't exactly have stellar histories of being willing to take a strong stand against the worst excesses of Republicans and their enablers.

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