jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Congratulations to South Carolina on a job well done

...for the Republicans. By knocking John Edwards out of the race, you've very likely handed the presidency to John McCain:

(poll results via Real Clear Politics)

And good job by ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, and most of MSNBC, too. A very nice coordination of effort.

MSNBC is doing a great job of showing how nimble it can be at doing General Electric's bidding. Last night, Dan Abrams performed a neat trick by painting himself as outside of the "D.C. Media" and doing his part to try to reinforce the "Hillary is Inevitable" meme:

Impressive, Dan. You've done your part for GE. Give yourself a raise.

Meanwhile, within five minutes of tuning into Morning Joe this morning, Chuck Todd was on the phone with Scarborough trashing Barack Obama.

The media establishment and their corporate masters have always wanted a matchup between Hillary Clinton and John McCain. This is the matchup they want because while they want John McCain to be president, if the plan goes wrong, at least they can do business with Hillary Clinton. If you don't believe that the media have a strong role in the framing of candidates and the manipulation of voters' views of them, I have four words for you: "John Kerry Is Electable."

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