lundi 23 juillet 2007

Psychiatric Help - 5 ¢

Call me a bad liberal, but when Mr. Brilliant gets home late because the print server crashed and a friend is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, sometimes real life takes priority over debates.

I did catch some of the Democratic debate, and liked the format very much. I think the questions from "real people" are far better than those that come from the Washington pundit corps. What struck me overall is what a smart bunch of people these are -- and what a nice change from the kind of death-centered nimrods we're going to see on the state in September from the Republican side. I recorded it, so I can watch the parts I missed later on.

I did, however, like John Edwards' YouTube video:

More snark like this when the Very Serious People in the Washington punditocracy start obsessing about trivialities, please.

I did not like so much how thin Elizabeth looks. :(

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