lundi 30 juillet 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere -- Leave Your Tits At the Door Edition

Some days there's just too much good stuff out there to comment on individually.

Digby on CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood's belief that Hillary Clinton having the temerity to wear her breasts in public is like Barry Bonds lying about using steroids. Perhaps someone else can explain this linkage to me, because I'm sitting here scratching my head. Has there ever been a culture more obsessed with, and yet revulsed by, the oversized sweat glands that sit on an adult woman's chest? I'll bet John Harwood has a stack of back issues of Juggs, but that Hillary Clinton doesn't bind her chest with Ace bandages before appearing in public makes her some sort of flasher. Would someone please contact his mother and ask at what age she weaned him?

If you enjoyed training your H-1B replacement before getting fired, you'll love President Fred Thompson. Carrie pulls the curtain aside from Thompson campaign manager, former Bush Energy Secretary and former Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham to reveal the ugly truth.

Looks like those of us who see echoes of Nazi Germany in the way the Bush Administration does business are on to something. Jurassicpork reports on Captain Codpiece's granddaddy's plan to topple FDR in the 1930's and replace it with a fascist dictatorship.

N=1 on the difference between universal health INSURANCE and universal health CARE -- and why plans requiring the purchase of insurance from for-profit companies are Trojan horses.

clammyc askes, "What will it take to end this madness?"

Skippy taunts the chickenshit Republicans who aren't only afraid to fight in real wars, but are also afraid to answer real questions from real voters. I know that the obsessive Zac Efron fans uploading Hairspray 30 seconds at a time can be pretty terrifying, but really, guys -- YouTube is nothing to fear.

Melina reports on just one family trying to work hard and play by the rules -- and getting nowhere fast. Now with added frogs and a new parakeet.

Here's one from the "Is Mr. Brilliant Right Again?" file. Is the veneer over the progressive areas of North Carolina really just that? Pam reports on jackbooted thugs (otherwise known as the local gendarmes) harassing those who do not equate the flag with George W. Bush.

Considering that Republicans like to give lip service to not taking Al Franken seriously as a candidate, they sure are taking him seriously as a candidate -- in their typical way.

And that's all for now. Laterz, bitchez....

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