mardi 27 mars 2007

Breaking: Bush Waves Penis in Persian Gulf

That's what the headline for this story SHOULD be:

U.S. Navy Flexes Muscles in Persian Gulf

The Associated Press
Tuesday, March 27, 2007; 8:46 PM

ABOARD THE USS JOHN C. STENNIS -- American warplanes screamed off two aircraft carriers Tuesday as the U.S. Navy staged its largest show of force in the Persian Gulf since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, launching a mammoth exercise meant as a message to the Iranians.

The maneuvers with 15 warships and more than 100 aircraft were sure to heighten tensions with Iran, which has frequently condemned the U.S. military presence off its coast and is in a faceoff with the West over its nuclear program and its capture of a British naval team.

While they would not say when the war games were planned, U.S. commanders insisted the exercises were not a direct response to Friday's seizure of the 15 British sailors and marines, but they also made clear that the flexing of the Navy's military might was intended as a warning.

"If there is strong presence, then it sends a clear message that you better be careful about trying to intimidate others," said Capt. Bradley Johanson, commander of the Stennis.

Indeed. Pot, kettle, etc.

As loyal as a golden retriever, Tony Blair laid the groundwork today for a retaliatory strike against Iran for the latter's capture of a British navy crew, and now we have war games Last week it was a Russian source stating that "the US and its allies would attack once a battle-ready force of 150,000 troops reached the Gulf." Scott Ritter has been warning of the Administration's plans to attack Iran for the last two years.

Bush is now like a cornered animal. His narcissism is in full flower and was in full evidence today as he made remarks about Tony Snow's illness that made it all about him. His White House is falling apart. His loyal consigliere is headed for at best resignation and quite possibly prison. His Iraq war in in a shambles. Representatives of his party who are up for election next year are abandoning him in droves. But George W. Bush is one mean and vindictive little son of a bitch -- said bitch being his mother:

George W. may not have been as academically inclined as his father, but, according to Tom Craddick, a state representative from Midland who has known the Bushes for years, "George was strong and opinionated, like his mother. She's more of a forceful person than George W.'s father is. George W. says he got his mother's mouth." A prominent Republican is less kind: "Barbara Bush is an exceedingly vindictive, nasty individual with a very high opinion of herself. She's always been that way."

Anyone who had read anything about George W. Bush would have known what he was, the kind of man he was. Bush hasn't changed one iota; it's just that more and more, we see the mask of the affable, bumbling towel-snapper fall and the gargoyle within emerge. The problem is that this gargoyle has the entire United States Military at his disposal at the same time as he has proven to be exactly the kind of chronic fuckup he was always told he was. And if it takes lashing out at another Middle Eastern country, perhaps destroying the entire Middle East in the process, to deal with the knowledge that he has fucked up on an unprecedented scale, well, that's what he's going to do.

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