jeudi 15 mars 2007

The Accomplishments of Blogtopia (® Skippy)

Skippy has a good summary of the many accomplishments of the progressive blogosphere so far in 2007, from the unsurpassed coverage of the Libby trial by the Firedoglake crew, to the pressure on media outlets in regard to the bile spewed by Ann Coulter, to Josh Marshall's detailed coverage of Prosecutorgate (such that even Time's Jay Carney, who had been reluctant to believe that this scandal was anything less than ordinary, had to apologize).

It's all the more disheartening, then, to see Atrios, who's getting so obnoxious he's giving Kos the Great and Terrible a run for his money, dismiss everyone he's purged from his blogroll -- and the many others he's never bothered to read -- as being unimportant because if you weren't as early an entrant into Blogtopia (® Skippy) as he was, your blog by definition sucks and you aren't worthy of attention.

The response from Lesser (sic) Blogtopia® shows far more insight than most of Dr. Black's recent posts, which until he decided to get outta Dodge for a few days, leaving Eschaton in the competent hands of far better bloggers than he, such as Attaturk, Echidne, and Tbogg, consisted of an open thread, a link to a McClatchy debunking of the "Clinton Defense" for Prosecutorgate, a link to Fred Kaplan, and the extreme effort of one paragraph about Tim Russert on the Today show.

Weighing in are some people you ought to bookmark instead of the Heathers:

Demosthenes: The Topic That Shall Not Rear Its Head

Skippy, at My Left Wing: try to follow this...

Renee in Ohio: The megablog as black hole , Who gets to determine our "value"? and I Can't Believe It's Not A Meritocracy!

Cernig: Atrios Sulks 'Kos His Writing Sucks

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