vendredi 23 février 2007

Thomas Friedman is still an idiot

It galls me that there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers toiling away every day because they NEED to, because without writing they'll go mad -- and Thomas Friedman is paid a six-figure salary to write nonsense like this:

The irony of Iraq is that it’s the one place where Mr. Bush decisively chose regime change, but he then executed it so poorly, with insufficient troops, that Iraq never stood a chance. If Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney had spent as much time plotting the toppling of Saddam Hussein as they did the toppling of Colin Powell, Iraq today would be Switzerland. Today’s Bush troop surge in Iraq is just another mulligan — the president’s trying to do in 2007 what he should have done in 2003. In between, we’ve paid a huge price.

Does he truly believe, when he looks at the sectarian violence going on in Iraq, that more troops would have turned Iraq into Switzerland? Why on earth does anyone still take seriously anything he has to say?

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