samedi 10 février 2007

Blogswarm this

Spiidey speak, I listen. This post by tristero at Digby's place is MUST READING. While the news media were broadcasting press conferences by Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband, the latest scumball to decide HE's the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, we found out that the Bush Administration was definitively and incontrovertably full of shit when it decided we needed to invade Iraq.

This is the crux of the matter:

The Bush administration knowingly, criminally lied to the American people in order to start an illegal war and invade a country that, no matter how odious its leader, was no threat to the United States

This is not the kind of behavior over which to mince words. These are the sorts of actions that treason trials and international war crimes tribunals are for.

There is something terribly corrupt about a country that will permit such unspeakable, murderous acts to remain unpunished. And it is high time the so-called political and cultural leaders of this country said so without equivocation. My God, people, we've had our country's government openly as well as secretly establish concentration camps all over the world; practice torture as an approved government policy; engaged in, and boasted about, international assasinations; destroyed through military action a foreign state merely because it could (and openly plan to do it again in the near future); undermined the integrity of the press by deliberately planting false stories and suborning journalists; been exposed as capable of using every tactic short of physical violence to prevent critics from publishing the truth; ignored the will of the American people, expert opinion, commonsense, and all common decency; advocated ever more bizarre theories of unlimited, unchecked power, and acted as if they were the law of the land ...

And there it is, folks. Now the only question is this: Are we going to hold our legislators' feet to the fire -- legislators from both parties -- and make them put the fucking United States Constitution above their own pathetic little careers?

This president and his vice president must be removed from office for the good of the nation and the world. That's the sum total of it. Because if they aren't, we might as well just send them all home. Because the destruction of the United States of America for which generations of men have died defending, will be complete.

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