jeudi 20 juillet 2006

Our Cynical Congressional Republicans

Don't these guys have anything better to do? The violence in Iraq is escalating, the Taliban are resurgent in Afghanistan, the deficit is out of control, skyrocketing fuel prices are hitting the rest of the economy, An Islamist militia is taking over Somalia, Israel is hell-bent on all-out war with Lebanon, and what is Congress' most pressing issue?

The Pledge of Allegiance.

I kid you not.

To these guys, catering to their so-called "values voters", the most important issue of the day is preventing the courts from weighing in on the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Specifically, the overriding concern of Republicans is to make sure that schoolchildren are forced to say "Under God" in schools. If said children have no health insurance, or if they are hungry, or if their parents are foreclosed out of their homes, none of that matters, as long as they are saying "under God" every day when they salute the flag.

This is where the Republican party's priorities are. Next up: bans on human cloning, laws to prevent confiscation of firearms during emergencies, and codification of the right to display American flags in condos.

That's YOUR public servants at work.

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