mardi 27 janvier 2009

Signs of the times

Oh, goody -- the Christofascist Zombie Brigade has got their war on. How much of a scumbag do you have to be to imply that Barack Obama's mother would have aborted him had it been legal?

Why do I have the sense that we are going to see more stories like this one?

If there's one thing that makes conservatives happier than thinking about evil women who won't keep their legs closed and how gay people have sex, it's the opportunity to obsess about Bill Clinton again. Now how about we take a look at the Saudi impact on the Bush family finances?

What the hell kind of country do we live in when a 93-year-old World War II veteran is allowed to freeze to death in his own home while Citibank doesn't get it that spending $50 million of taxpayer bailout money on a new corporate jet is really bad form until the Obama administration reminds them?

How can we miss you if you won't go the hell away?

Sometimes you have to just let the baby cry it out.

Second. Best. Headline. Ever. (The other white meat.)

Happy 50th Birthday, Keith Olbermann! May I suggest the TWO year AARP membership? Seriously, I'm glad he's 50. Maybe now all that "He's really a Gen-Xer" crap will stop.

64 years ago, the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated. Ex-Nazi and current Pope Benedict commemorates the anniversary by reinstating a Holocaust-denying bishop. Kind of makes you realize why the Israelis are so fucking paranoid, doesn't it?

Maybe a repentant sinner is the best kind of convert.

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