jeudi 15 mai 2008

Golf: The Supreme Sacrifice of the Frat Boy


There's something so Gilded Age about a child of Connecticut and Kennebunkport actually thinking that the sacrifice of a sport played in clubs that don't allow black people or women, clubs frequented by guys named Skip and Chip wearing plaid pants; on land that could be used to farm vegetables to feed poor people or shelter them; land that's artificially kept green as a carpet through pesticides that then get into the water supply and cause cancer, constitutes a way to express "solidarity" with the family of a kid from Flint, Michigan who died while serving in the Army because there was nothing else for him to do.

I think George Carlin had the right idea:

I wonder what all the people who voted for George W. Bush because he was "a guy you'd want to have a beer with"; the people who think Barack Obama is "arrogant" because he's a black guy in a pinstripe suit who dares to think, who's "arrogant" enough to think, who's "uppity" enough to think that he could EVER be President of the United States.

You want to talk about elitist? A guy who thinks giving up golf to express condolence for the kids HE sent to die is elitist. And so is the guy who wants to continue his policies so he too can resolve his issues with his father.

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