samedi 28 avril 2007

So let me see if I have this right: When they're right wing American nuts, they aren't terrorists?

Funny how Rudy Giuliani isn't talking about guys like these:

Simultaneous raids carried out in four Alabama counties Thursday turned up truckloads of explosives and weapons, including 130 grenades, an improvised rocket launcher and 2,500 rounds of ammunition belonging to the small, but mightily armed, Alabama Free Militia.

Six alleged members of the Free Militia also were arrested by federal authorities and are being held without bond.

Investigators said the DeKalb County-based group had not made any specific threats or devised any plots, but was targeted for swift dismantling because of its heavy firepower. The militia, which called itself the Naval Militia at one point, had enough armament to outfit a small army.

"We classify these groups as violent and anti-government," said Jim Cavanaugh, who supervises the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operations in portions of the South. "They stockpile things and live off a fear, a paranoia they're going to need weapons and explosives because some event is going to happen when they will need them."

"Any time you have a self-appointed colonel or a self-appointed major and they've got weapons and explosives, it is a recipe for tragedy," Cavanaugh said.

Uh....duh? While the government has spent the last five years monitoring Quakers and peace groups, the wingnut militias have been amassing weaponry like this?

And of course, because the Administration worships Teh BAYBEEEEEZ (® Amanda), guys like this aren't regarded as terrorists either.

I guess you have to be dark-skinned, Muslim, and Really Really Scary-Looking to qualify as a terrorist in the eyes of this bunch. If the Bush Administration had spent half the energy going after these people over the last five years as they've spent monitoring members, perhaps we wouldn't have guys in the Deep South accumulating rocket launchers.

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