vendredi 13 avril 2007

Hey, MSNBC....I know of a guy with experience in morning radio who's out of work after today

During the obligatory Countdown segment on American Idol last night, Keith Olbermann asked Maria Milito if she had experience in morning radio. He was joking of course, but the fact of the matter is that there is, effective today, not only a gaping hole in MSNBC's morning lineup, but one in WFAN's as well. And I'm not sure they have a clue what they're going to do with it.

So OK, we have a dual opening for a morning radio guy who's sort of political, somewhat funny, who can conduct an interview, only you want someone who isn't going to resort to racist, "ethnist" and sexist slurs. Well, CBS and MSNBC, by sheer kismet, the perfect guy for you is going to be out of work after today.

His name is Sam Seder. And here is a pitch for a show for him.

One of the hallmarks of Sam Seder's two shows on Air America has been his focus on the netroots. Now I know that conventional media regards the netroots as a threat, but we do know that CNN has been known to dabble in blogtopia (® Skippy) from time to time, and since it was, after all, Josh Marshall who broke the story of the fired prosecutors, I think there's potential that wasn't there even a year ago to bring in that much-coveted 18-49 audience with a morning show that deals with not what the suits think is the news that should be covered, but what the medium from whence this demographic gets its news is covering. And Sam Seder is just the guy to do it. He's appeared on Countdown, you know he can do television. So what are you waiting for?

MSNBC and CBS, if you're intrigued, contact me and I'll tell you more about the concept.

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