jeudi 22 décembre 2005

Since when is it the media's job to decide whether to impeach?

I guess since they all got their panties in a twist envisioning Bill Clinton's sexual activities. Because now they think THEY decide if the growing call for investigations of the Bush Administration, which COULD result in impeachment hearings, is worthy of their attention.


When chief Washington Post pollster Richard Morin appeared for an online chat, a reader from Naperville, Ill., asked him why the Post hasn't polled on impeachment. "This question makes me mad," Morin replied. When a second participant made the same query, Morin fumed, "Getting madder." A third query brought the response: "Madder still."

That's what passes for journalists these days. Morin's just afraid he won't get invited to the White House New Year's coke 'n' booze bash if he mentions the "I" word.

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