dimanche 16 août 2009

Good Morning Geniuses: The Collected Verse of Marc Maron

Someday I'm going to do with the tweets of Marc Maron what Hart Seely and Tom Peyer did with Phil Rizzuto: Compile a book and call it "Good Morning Geniuses: The Collected Verse of Marc Maron".

But for now, a sample:

On a plane in the air.
I always think clearer flying.
I am hurling through the air yet I have coffee.

Birthers and Deathers
shut the fuck up.
We need to stop the isolationist christian retard parade.
We look silly to the grown up countries.

Garage jam across the way.
Half hour of Sabbath's Paranoid.
Twenty minute Back In Black.
The hills are alive with weekend warrior rock gods.

I watched E! for two hours last night
and I felt like my brain
was being ass raped by clowns.

Has TEN years sober TODAY.
The great thing about sobriety
is how clearly you can see your disappointment.

My 10 yr sober anniversary, the 9th.
Also anniversaries of the Manson murders
and the dropping of 'Big Boy' on NAGASAKI.
What does it mean?
OK. It wasn't Big Boy it was Fat Man.
All I know is I will be sober ten years on the ninth,
Nagasaki happened, Manson happened,
fuck me.

With too much free time
eating becomes a reward system
for very small accomplishments.
For writing that sentence
I will have a half a melon.

Just had a bowl of cereal with hemp milk
and I'm not high at all.
How do they make hemp milk?
Something doesn't seem right about it.

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