dimanche 17 décembre 2006

Pssst....Bill Clinton got a blowjob, RIGHT THERE IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!!

Just in case you'd forgotten, there, like a reliable old toaster, is the Washington Post to remind you about what Journalism was like in the Clinton years, when a president's REAL pecker, instead of a sock stuffed into the crotch of a flight suit, was what made journalists have to lie down on a chaise longue fanning themselves. Presumably this is what we have to look forward to during a Hillary presidential campaign:

The spotlight was not Bill Clinton's. It belonged, instead, to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as she celebrated her reelection victory.

So Bill stood poker-faced. He clasped his hands. He held his head high. He clapped when appropriate. He smiled ever so faintly. And he did not move. When Hillary offered thanks to him and turned around to acknowledge him, he did not step forward, did not step to her side. He stayed put, several feet away, as if taking pains to soak up not one ray of the spotlight he so dearly loves but that, now more than ever, must be hers and hers alone.

It was political Kabuki -- Bill Clinton, held in check -- on a night that some observers saw as the start of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Bill is poised to mightily help or deeply hurt his wife's White House prospects. Either way, his impact will be profound as he undertakes the unprecedented role of ex-president turned male campaign spouse to the first woman ever to have a serious shot at the presidency.

Yes, Bill can deliver political superstardom. He's a razor-sharp political strategist. He knows the institution of the presidency. His fundraising chops are unrivaled. All that is well and good -- perhaps too good, according to a September CNN poll, which showed his favorable rating higher than hers, 60 percent to 50 percent.

But there's the other Bill, the one who could be a massive and messy distraction. That Bill is the ex-president known for his outsize appetites and indiscipline, the Bill who still revels in the limelight, who runs with global jet-setters. He is prone to pop up in the press for even the smallest of curiosities, like being spotted at dinner with another woman -- bad news for an ex-president already infamous for marital infidelity.

If she runs, will voters focus too much on him? Will they remember too much of the national trauma known as "that woman" (Monica Lewinsky) -- and the presidential prevaricating, hair-splitting (what is"is," anyway?) and impeachment that followed? Can voters look at Bill without thinking of sex? If they don't think of sex, they'll likely think the word: "president," which may also not be such a good thing for the spouse who wants that title.

From now until Election Day 2008, the national fascination with the Clintons and their marriage will be central to the race. The media-industrial complex will again feed like hungry hounds on the Clintons, their past and future; on the Clintons and their mysteries; on power and politics as the Clinton lifeblood propelling her run against all odds.

She will face haters. She'll face sexists. There'll be folks who think she's power-mad, including some still queasy about what she knew and when she knew it when it came to Bill's marital indiscretions.

I hate to remind Lynne Duke, who wrote this ridiculous piece of trash, that there are people in this country who don't look at Bill Clinton and think of sex....except in the context of presidential charisma. What a great many of us see is a reminder of what it was like to have a president with a brain in his head; one who could actually read his own newspaper, one with curiousity about the world, one who treated world leaders with respect and dignity, one who could get up and speak without being a national embarrassment, one who knew how to behave in public.

But this is just a taste of what we can expect from the Washington Post over the next two years.

It's enough to make me want to go back to Jamaica.

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