dimanche 28 février 2010

10 Things I Learned from the 2010 Winter Olympics

10. Stephen Colbert is a bigger draw in Vancouver than Ann Curry, Meredith Viera and Matt Lauer huddled like homeless people in front of a garbage can fire.

9. Scott Hamilton obviously does NOT watch The Colbert Report.

8. All Bode Miller needed was to grow up a bit.

7. The awesomeness of Shaun White abides.

6. The Russian skating federation and Evgeni Plushenko may be the worst sore losers in the history of the games, but the U.S. obsession with "the medal count" shows that it's us who are still fighting the Cold War.

5. Sometimes there is freedom in losing. By not medaling, Johnny Weir was free to rise above his own sport.

4. Opening ceremonies will ALWAYS look and play like tributes to Leni Riefenstahl.

3. Somewhere in the new scoring system is a requirement that female solo figure skaters must display their crotches to the judges.

2. Dead mothers trump dead athletes.

1. Halt! Or How I Learned to Stop Sneering and Love Watching Curling. Which way to the Bergen County Curling Club?

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